When you become ill it is usually because you have come in contact with a virus or harmful bacteria. People usually callthem “Germs”; they are a part of life and they are everywhere! Whenever you arein a public place the risk of coming in contact with germs increases.
We can reduce the spread and frequency of illness by staying home and taking care of yourself when you are not well (adults and children). Research has proven that washing your hands with warm water and soap is the number one way to prevent illness. You should wash your hands whenever your hands are dirty, after you use the bathroom and especially before you eat!
Steps for hand washing:
- Use soap and warm water.
- Scrub your hands well. Wash between fingers, wrists, under fingernails and the backs of your hands.
- Rinse the soap completely off and dry your hands completely with a paper towel to avoid skin irritation.
- Turn off water using a paper towel, not your hands. Remember the handles have the germs on them that you just washed off!
Other healthy tips:
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue. If you don’t have one cough or sneeze into the lower part of your arm or sleeve, at your elbow, instead of your hand.
- Do not put your fingers in your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Eat healthy. Start off by eating breakfast. The focus now is on eating a variety of whole grains, dry beans and peas, dark green and orange vegetables, fruits (go easy on fruit juices), low fat or fat free calcium or lactose free sources and low fat or lean meats/ poultry that is baked, broiled or grilled.
- Drink plenty of fluids Water is the best! You should drink six 8-ounce glasses (1.4 to 1.9 liters) of fluids per day. When you are ill and feel too sick to eat drink, drink, and drink! Fruit juices low in sugar or Pedialyte are also good. If you have a very sore throat or don’t feel like drinking, these juices may be frozen into healthy popsicles!
- Get plenty of rest every day: children ages 5 to 12 years need at least 10 to 11 hours of sleep per night!
- Exercise regularly: find a fun physical activity that you like to do! It doesn’t have to be a sport. Ride a bike, jump rope or take a walk with your family on a regular basis.
- Practice good hygiene by bathing and washing your hair regularly, brushing your teeth at least twice daily, flossing your teeth daily and wearing clean clothes.
- See a doctor when you are sick or at least once a year even when you are healthy.
- Take care of your emotional health too! Take time to relax or do a fun activity. Talk with others when you are feeling upset. Seek professional help when needed.
We welcome your input! Please feel free to contact the school nurse between 8:30 am and 3:30 pm for any concerns or questions.