At Riderwood, we love our volunteers! From Room Parent, Picture Parent, library, chaperone, and cafeteria helpers, our volunteers help make our school the welcoming place we know and appreciate. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator or any of the PTA Board members to help you find the right program for you.
All potential volunteers, whether they be family, community members, or staff, must complete the volunteer application and participate in a training session annually beginning on July 1st. All volunteer training expires on June 30th. Please follow the steps below to complete the volunteer application process.
Step 1: Complete a BCPS Volunteer Application
Complete and save a copy to your computer or device. This application is not submitted automatically. You will need to provide a copy to your school based coordinator either by email or providing a hard copy.
Applications are also available in the following languages:
Step 2: Complete the online Volunteer Orientation training.
The training is available in English and Spanish. Once you've logged in, language selection is at the top right next to the profile picture. *If you have completed training in the past but don't remember your login information, please email our school's training coordinator for assistance in recovery.
New Users Click Here
Returning Users with an existing Vector Login
Once you have completed the training, you will be provided with a certificate. Please save a copy for your records.
Step 3:
Send your certificate and application to the volunteer coordinator at Riderwood. They will work with you to find the perfect placement!